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Ah Faye Magazines 2001

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| 2005 Magazines | 2004 Magazines | 2003 Magazines |
| 2002 Magazines | 2000 Magazines | Up To 1999 Magazines |

I-shop, December, Hong Kong

TVB Weekly No. 234, November, Hong Kong

Cosmopolitan, November, Hong Kong

JWalker No.21, October, Hong Kong

Monday No. 56, October, Hong Kong

EastWeek 468, October, Hong Kong

Taipei Walker No. 53, October, Taiwan

Easttouch No. 334, October, Hong Kong

I-weekly, October, Singapore

Amy, October, Hong Kong

Elle, October, Hong Kong

Marie Claire, October, Hong Kong

Translation of the Marie Claire article

You, August, Singapore

Elle, July, Japan

Say (4 pics) and Vogue (2 pics), July, Japan

Bene Bene, June, Japan

Ongaku to Hito, June, Japan (Taiwan issue)

Ming Pao Weekly, Issue 1692, Hong Kong

Female, April, Singapore

Citta Bella, April, Singapore

Nü You, April, Singapore and Malaysia

Elle, March, Taiwan

Ilook, March, China

Sisters' Pictorial, issue 687, China

Bazaar, March, Hong Kong

South China Magazine, January, Hong Kong

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