Faye at Grasshopper concert 29 Apr 2000 -- Get the "Faye 2000" poster for the Australia concerts here.

28 Apr 2000 -- Didar has translated a interview with Ah Foon, it was published on 36.com (RealAudio). Read the translation here

28 Apr 2000 -- Faye didn't win any award at "Golden Award Show" in Taiwan, can't have them all ... Faith Yang is the lucky winner this time, congratulations to her.

27 Apr 2000 -- Another movie for Faye? Didar has translated an article from Apple Daily where Katie talks over the subject. Read it here.

27 Apr 2000 -- "A! Productions Inc" has a very short video introducing Faye, intended to be used as the title for all of her visual products. You can download it directly from the source here.  Source: Fayenews

27 Apr 2000 -- Universal Music Àô²y°Û¤ù (HK) has released a Cantonese compilation including one song with Faye (Brink Of Love And Pain). It's for sale for £13.99 at YesAsia. It you want to know more about it or buy it, visit YesAsia.


27 Apr 2000 -- Here is some more information about Faye's concert in Sydney on June 30. It will be held at Sydney Entertainment Centre, and the concert prices are AUD$50, $90 and $128. Sometimes, signing sessions have been held right next door in the popular shopping mall "Market City" to incorporate the ticket sales ... but we don't know if Faye will do this yet. Faye is likely to stay at the "Starcity Casino" during her stay in Sydney. Here is the info for both concerts in a nutshell.

Melbourne Entertainment Centre, Wednesday 28 June 2000, 8:00pm.
Tickets: $139 / $109 / $79 / $49 - [ On sale soon! ]
Bookings: Chinatown Cinema, Anh Thanh Video, Po Hong Company
Phone Enquiry (03) 9662-3465, (0414) 966-234, (0419) 888-883, (0411) 567-883

Sydney Entertainment Centre, Friday 30 June 2000, 8:00pm.
Tickets: VIP / $128 / $90 / $50
Ticket Office: Chinatown Entertainment/Ticketek - Sydney Entertainment Centre (02) 9320-4200, Chung Pak Travel, Po Hong Company/TVB, Windfair Company, Selected TVB Agents, Melbourne Chinatown Cinema.
Phone Enquiry: (02) 9212-3944, (02) 9212-4483, (0414) 977-883, (0416) 089-909, (0412) 118-363.

24 Apr 2000 -- Pictures from the "HK Film Awards" on April 16 is ready to be downloaded by clicking here. The package also contains two more pics from the "Grasshopper composer concert". (17 pics, 1,3 MB).   Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

24 Apr 2000 -- I found a scan from SingTao, you can view it here.  Source: Best Faye

23 Apr 2000 -- Faye has been nominated for the "Golden Award Show" in Taiwan. She was nominated many times but didn't win yet. You can read about the event here (in chinese).

23 Apr 2000 -- Apple Daily has an article about fashion, and Faye's dress from the HK Film Awards is mentioned in the article. If you read chinese, go to Apple Daily and take a look.

22 Apr 2000 -- Faye went back to Beijing yesterday, Show8 has a RA-video you can download here (2 MB). Also, Faye will hold a concert in Sydney on June, 30. You, lucky Australians ...   Source: Fayenews

18 Apr 2000 -- There is a new free Faye email service available, go to Faye.net if you want to try it.

18 Apr 2000 -- Apple daily have a very nice photo of Faye's dress from the "HK Film Award Show", you can watch it here.

17 Apr 2000 -- Cecilia has some nice pics from yesterday's award show, Faye dressed up differently this time, but I like it. See for you self by clicking here. There are also comments from the newspapers. Article 1 || Article 2.  Source: Cecilia

17 Apr 2000 -- No need to guess about Faye and Nic anymore ... it's true. The answer is in this interview If you want to listen to the whole 1 hour interview which Nic constantly talk about Faye and him, it's here, but only the last few minutes are interesting.

16 Apr 2000 -- RA-movies from Faye's appearance at "19th Hong Kong film awards" this evening is ready for download, 3,5 + 2,8 MB. Big thanks to Steve as usual. Faye and Jacky's Collaboration || Presenting Best Actor Award to Andy Lau  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

15 Apr 2000 -- Pictures from the "Grasshopper composer concert" on April 5 is ready to be downloaded into your computer, by clicking here (20 pics, +1 MB).

You can also download pictures from the TV-show "Pearl of Asia Shines on Tianjing" by clicking here (12 pics, 1 MB). Sorry being late with this one, but better late than never :)  Source: Singapore Fayenatics Home

15 Apr 2000 -- The "Teenage songs" section at Singapore Fayenatics Home now has the second (out of three known) albums made by Faye during her teens available for download, no name of this one thought. The other one is the "Where is the wind comes from" album from 1985.

15 Apr 2000 -- Faye lost three more places, down to 25th place on the Global 100 Female Star top-100 list, vote for Faye by clicking the Vote button.

15 Apr 2000 -- Juice (who hosted the online chat with Faye last year) has some info about Faye on their website, click here to read it.

14 Apr 2000 -- I have a news update from Eric Yap about the movie "2046" and some other things. You can read it here.

13 Apr 2000 -- This scan is from a magazine, don't know which. It's a little hard to read (apart from the headline) but Faye looks really good in the picture.

13 Apr 2000 -- Wesley Chu at Groove Asia has written a short article called "Simply Obvious Suggestions" about the Heavenly Kings and Queens of Hong Kong pop music. You can read what he thinks about Faye and the other singers here.

12 Apr 2000 -- Thomas Yeung have made a Macromedia Flash-movie about Faye, you can download it or view it here.

11 Apr 2000 -- There are some rare Faye songs to download at Seewise.net in the Live and Remix sections, including a duet with Sandy (Thanks to him).  Source: Fayenews

11 Apr 2000 -- Asorted news about Faye from the past week:
